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{ADI會員專屬}2/7哈佛線上課程:The Impact of AI on Dental Care Delivery




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Clinical Lecture Series: The Impact of AI on Dental Care Delivery


Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 10:00am to 11:00am(美東時間)


Webinar via Zoom

Speaker: Dr. Robert A. Faiella

Abstract: Artificial intelligence builds upon the digital tools the dental profession has already adopted. Dental AI can now identify anatomy and disease with incredible levels of precision, and present findings with compelling visuals for patient communication. This presentation will demonstrate the development and capabilities of the technology, how payers and providers are using AI-powered technology today, how AI quantification can help dentists monitor longitudinal outcomes and enhance practice goals and share and potential developments and challenges for the future.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the current capabilities of dental artificial intelligence (AI) and recognize how dental AI models are trained.
  2. Determine how dental AI can impact patient care and daily clinic operations, and apply how dental AI can be implemented at the point of care.
  3. Identify how increasing dental quantification may impact diagnosis, reimbursement, and dental research.
  4. Communicate dental AI findings with patients to enhance informed consent and understanding.