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{ADI會員專屬}7/12哈佛線上課程:Immediate Loading: State of the Art



① 贊助金額:NTD19000
② 費用全額抵用自2022/七月起,連續12堂的哈佛CLS系列課程(會員單堂報名NTD1800)
③ 哈佛CLS系列課程優先上課權。
④ 本贊助計畫限額 “十名”

【 回饋】
▪ 優先實作課、系列活動報名資格。
▪ 年度特殊活動參與權。
▪ 贊助十二堂課,加贈{口適怡漱口水300ml/兩瓶一組,市價價值$360}

  • 報名資訊

Immediate Loading: State of the Art


Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 11:00am to 12:00pm EST
台灣時間:7/12 晚上十一點


Webinar via Zoom

Speaker: Dr. Tiziano Testori MD, DDS, Msc, FICD

Abstract: The ultimate goal of an immediate loading protocol is to reduce the number of surgical interventions and shorten the time frame between surgery and prosthetic delivery, all without sacrificing implant success rates. Immediate loading will ultimately lessen patients' reservations and result in increased acceptance of implant therapy. The lecture will address the latest digital protocols and a variety of topics related to immediate loading in different clinical situations: edentulous mandible and maxilla, partially edentulous patients from single tooth to multiple units.



Learning Objectives:

1. Predictable clinical indications
2. Contraindications to immediate loading
3. Digital pre-prosthetic diagnostic phase
4. Step-by-step surgical/prosthetic procedures in totally and partially endentulous patients

1. 可預期的臨床適應症 
2. 立即受力的禁忌症 
3. 數位贋復前診斷 
4. 全口無牙與局部缺牙患者之詳細手術/贋復步驟

Course Format: Lecture
Conflict of Interest: Clinical research support & consultant for Biohorizons
